Sunday, May 1, 2011

11 Movies I Hate... that other people claim to like. Spoiler Alert.

Se7en: interesting movie until halfway through, when it goes off the rails and becomes junk.  An entertaining crime drama becomes unwatchable as soon as the killer starts helping the cops looking for him.  And then he kills someone who doesn't fit the profile just to goad one of the cops into shooting him, thus fulfilling the "Wrath" Deadly Sin.  Overblown tripe.

12 Monkeys: Terry Gilliam's most depressing paen to futility.  I have been informed I haven't given this movie it's fair shake, so perhaps I should watch it again and try to be less judgemental.  Still didn't like it much.

Punch Drunk Love & Lost in Translation: more than two hours of total unfunny.  Dry wit?  Sure.  That's another word for unbearable, right?

The Hours: it felt more like the months... the long tedious months.  Totally unengaging.  It tries to show what depression is like... and succeeds so well it can actually cause it.

The Thin Red Line: a nature pic, without the interesting narration... crossed with a war movie, without all the interesting action.  If the goal was to show how boring war is, it succeeded.  Beautiful film, lots of grass waving in the wind.

Million Dollar Baby: a sports movie ruined by a sudden attack of bad scripting and audience manipulation.  If that was the story you meant to tell Clint, then it should have been told in non-linear fashion, showing us the penultimate scene, the "Will he help her?" scene first, establishing the result of the accident, then taking us back to the beginning and show us what had come before.  I should not have been tricked into seeing a movie that claimed to be about boxing but was really about assisted suicide.  Imagine Rocky, but instead of victory at the end Adrian has to help a paralyzed Mr. Balboa kill himself.

Citizen Kane: boring, pointless, worthless, and overdirected.  My father's favorite move, god entertain his soul.

Empire Strikes Back: Okay, I actually like this one, but of the six its my least favorite... and my SW cred is as good as anyone.  I stood in line for 36 hours to be first to get tickets for Episode 1... and then saw it 10 times opening day.  I just can't stand Luke's constant whining.  Audience, search your feelings, you know him to be a little bitch.

Godfather: Okay, I don't really hate this movie, but I just can't agree with all those people who rave about it being the best movie ever.  On my list of the 100 best movies I've ever seen, it places top 50.  Sure.  Top 20?  probably not.

Sunset BLVD:  I'm ready for my naptime Mr. Demille.  Granted, its an okay movie, I guess, but I am sooooooo sick of the parodies and homages and on and on and on.

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